Wednesday, September 3, 2008
SigmaForex Teaches You How To Trade Forex - No Experience Needed!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
SigmaForex Helps You To Understand How To Make Money With Forex Trading

Thursday, July 24, 2008
SigmaForex LTD Registrations And Regulations
SigmaForex LTD is leading European professional online trading Brokers registered in the United Kingdom and most of the EU countries.
What is meaning by registered?
means that there is a company called SigmaForex LTD inside united kingdom & registered by United Kingdom Law & follow the governmental rules.
SigmaForex LTD registered & follows the governmental rules in United Kingdom and anyone can check that by visiting this official website: this is a UK governmental website. this is the full link where you can find SigmaForex LTD with the registration number.
SigmaForex LTD Regulations:
SigmaForex LTD working now to be regulated with FSA (United Kingdom Financial Service Authority) but now SigmaForex LTD is complying with FSA and many financial authorities like NFA, CFTC, FSC and others.
Why SigmaForex LTD not working in the regulation of NFA?
Most of Traders ask this question and it's a common question for any broker. Here's the answer; NFA (National Future Association) regulate the Financial Companies that based in United State and have Future Trading. SigmaForex LTD not inside United State and doesn't has Future Trading. But NFA rules are compatible with the rules that SigmaForex is following and you can check with your self.
Complying: Means that this company follows the rules 100% and meet their regulatory obligations efficiently.
Forex Broker Regulation - Part One
Forex Broker Bust Story. Refco was the biggest forex broker that was worth around $4 billion dollars. In October of 2005, Refco shut down its operations and every trader who had money with them got screwed big time.
Refco was regulated and for some time they were spending not only their profits but also deposits of their clients.
The amounts of money that traders saw on their trading platforms and the amounts of money Refco had in their bank accounts were different by $400 million.
So when the news hit the wire that Refco is running at such deficit, traders panicked and started asking for withdrawals. The only problem was that Refco was $400 million short of what it owed to traders.
There was a trial of course, and whatever assets the company had the court ordered to distribute among traders. I knew some people that had money with Refco. As far as I remember, after all assets were sold they got around 10% of what was owed to them. That means if person had $10,000 in his trading account, he got only $1,000 of it.
Forex Broker Regulation - Part Three
To Be Able To Register in NFA you must have the following:
- You Brokerage Firm Based in United State
- Working in Futures
FSA [Financial Services Authority]:
To be able to register with The FSA your brokerage firm must be exist & based in United Kingdom
Question: I have a brokerage Firm in United Kingdom. Can I register with NFA?
Answer: No You Can't. But If you have branches in USA you can do it
Question: I have a brokerage Firm in USA. Can I register with FSA?
Answer: No You Can't
Errors In The MetaTrader 4 | SigmaForex
Strange and unbelievable!
Meta Trader 4 has the option that you can enter more than type of account for different brokers through the same platform.
For Example If you installed SigmaForex Platform, you will find in your drive C: / the following Pass: [C:\Program Files\MetaTrader – SigmaForex]
If you installed another Meta Trader 4 for another broker a conflict can be occurred because 2 Meta Trader 4 but for different Brokers.
Let's continue our example with another broker like FXCM or Interbankfx or Swiss Global Broker. All of them are using Meta Trader 4 as trading station. Let's Install FXCM Software.
You will find this pass in your Drive C: / [C:\Program Files\FXCM Trader 4]
N.B: Some Versions of windows copy the same folders while installing the same version of the software
That you may find FXCM installed inside SigmaForex & this one from the disadvantage in Meta Trader 4 & Meta Quote published this issue in their FAQs to be available for Traders to solve the issue.
The Solution is to open the platform that you are using e.g.: SigmaForex. Then Open a folder called Config. [C:\Program Files\MetaTrader - SigmaForex\config]
You have to erase All SRV files for other brokers & just leave SigmaForex-Demo.svr and SigmaForex-live.svr
And here's the post of the Meta quote from their website:
To remove foreign servers from the server list of your client terminal, just go to the "\MetaTrader 4\config\" folder of the client terminal and delete the unnecessary SRV files.
MetaTrader4 Creats Conflict between SigmaForex and InterBank FX
Confusions seem to be endless with technical programs. As a result of using MetaTrader4 program, many intersections between different platforms occur.
Applying this fact between SigmaForex platform and that of InterBank FX, while installing any of them.
InterBank FX MetaTrader4: After installing InterBank FX MetaTrader4 you will find the extension
[C:\Program Files\Interbank FX Trader 4\config]
Open the folder that called "config" you will find InterBank FX Demo.srv and InterBank FX -Live.srv
SigmaForex also have the same Forex Software but under their name Meta Trader 4.
Let's run the setup of this software & go the same extension again [C:\Program Files\MetaTrader - SigmaForex\config], Open also [C:\Program Files\InterBank FX Trader 4\config]
The Same Folders, The Same Software make some version of windows rewrite the files in these folders with different names.
The Result:
MetaTrader4 Creats Conflict between SigmaForex and FXCM
Let's Do It Again Using SigmaForex and FXCM (Forex Capital Market)
MetaTrader4 is mostly used among brokers because it is so simple in use & easier for new traders in Forex market, and more accurate.
There are many advantages for this Forex Software but as we know that there is no perfectness without drawbacks; so, one of the most known drawbacks of Meta Trader4 that there is conflict in SRV files in its configuration.
For An Example:
FXCM Meta Trader 4: After installing FXCM Meta Trader4, you will find in C:/ driver a folder named Program Files
C:\Program Files\FXCM Trader 4 this is the extension of the FXCM Meta trader 4
Open the folder that called "config" you will find FXCM-Demo.srv and FXCM-Live.srv
SigmaForex also have the same Forex Software but under their name Meta Trader 4.
I want you to run the setup of this software & go the same extension again [C:\Program Files\MetaTrader - SigmaForex\config], Open also [C:\Program Files\FXCM Trader 4\config]
The Same Folders, The Same Software make some version of windows rewrite the files in these folders with different names
The Result:
Intersection between MetaTrader4 Programs
As you know that MetaTrader4 used widely among brokers because it is so simple in use & more easy for new traders in Forex market.
There are many advantages for this Forex Software but as we know that there is no advantages without disadvantages; so, one of the most disadvantages in Meta Trader4 that there is conflict in SRV files in its configuration.
For An Example:
FXCM Meta Trader 4: After installing FXCM Meta Trader4, you will find in C:/ driver a folder named Program Files
C:\Program Files\FXCM Trader 4 this is the extension of the FXCM Meta trader 4
Open the folder that called "config" you will find FXCM-Demo.srv and FXCM-Live.srv
SGB (Swiss Global Broker) also have the same Forex Software but under their name Meta Trader 4.
I want you to run the setup of this software & go the same extension again [C:\Program Files\Swiss Global Broker\config], Open also [C:\Program Files\FXCM Trader 4\config]
The Same Folders, The Same Software make some version of windows rewrite the files in these folders with different names
The Result:
Monday, July 21, 2008
What Is The Link Between SigmaForex And North Finance
Question: Is SigmaForex Partner with FXCM?
Question: Is SigmaForex Partner with North Finance?
Question: Is SigmaForex Partner With Interbankfx?
Answer: For Sure SigmaForex is an independent broker.
Question: Why I see in the statement of SigmaForex Another broker.
Answer: Because you don't follow the instructions of Meta Trader 4
Question: What are these instructions?
Answer: 1st You have to make sure that your new installation is separated from the other installations that already exist.
Question: Please, open a channel of understanding for me
Answer: Tell You What?!
Look there is a problem in Meta Trader which is that most of brokers are using it as a trading station. Also most of traders are using it without any suffer because it's so easy & so simple while trading.
But because most of brokers are using it so you may find a conflict inside your Meta trader & another Meta Trader for a different broker inside our PC.
For Example: SigmaForex & North finance: the both are different brokers
After installing Meta Trader of SigmaForex & After Installing the Meta Trader of North Finance I found SigmaForex-Demo inside North Finance Meta Trader 4! I thought they are related to each others but the truth is that they are different independent brokers, but while installing one of them a file has been transferred from one Meta Trader to the other.
Open C:\Program Files\MetaTrader - SigmaForex\config
Open C:\Program Files\FxPro MetaTrader\config
You Will find SigmaForex.srv
SRV file is a linkage between your setup & the server of the broker, so if one or more from these files transferred from one setup to another it will show you two brokers in the same Platform!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
SigmaForex Online Support
It's a well known fact that no business can exist without satisfied customers, Sigma support you with all your needs that have been chosen according to your demands.Simply complete the following form, stating your contact details, and we will respond straight away.
SigmaForex MetaTrader 4

Sigma Forex provide Pip value calculator in order to make it easy for clients to calculate the value of spreads also clients can use it if they want to know a price of a single pip for any Forex traded currency.Fill in the required pair and the traded lot size to get the pip value of the pair.Please enter the following fields in order to calculate Pip Value.
Learn And Develop your trading skills with Sigma platform!A Free practice account is a great way to experience the Forex market without risking any money.· For Novice TradersFor those who did not trade in the forex market before can get accustomed to following a market, and open themselves to a whole new way to invest, and it also gives them the chance to understand how the trading platform works.· For Regular TradersFor those who are familiar with trading in forex market, a practice account can help them to get use to the particular characteristics of the Forex market or our trading platform.